Are you a family physician in Alberta with challenging or complex mental health patients? Are you trying your best to support them with psychotherapy from your family medicine office or from your focused mental health practice, and feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or unsure of what to do?
If so, you are welcome to book a 1-on-1 Case Consultation appointment whereby the two of us can review in detail any patients that you are seeing and make sense of your patients, together.
You are welcome and encouraged to book ongoing appointments to review the progress of your patients and impact of any therapeutic strategies discussed.
This service is covered under the AHCIP and privacy compliant teleconferencing software is used for our confidential meetings.
You’ll benefit from longitudinal case consultation by enhancing your ability to conceptualize cases, formulate assessments, and perform targeted psychotherapeutic interventions, which will help benefit your patient, and in turn you help support my goal of increasing capacity within the community to more effectively provide psychotherapy within primary care. It’s a Win-Win.
Find answers to frequently asked questions about 1-on-1 Case Consultations with Dr. Sharma
I have training in the following modalities:
The modalities listed above are the ones that I primarily draw from in my clinical work. My case formulations are rooted in psychodynamic theory.
I have treated a wide variety of patients with clinical presentations including one or often multiple of the following:
Yes, absolutely. With my transdiagnostic approach to psychotherapeutic care, I am able to work with patients to address a wide range of symptoms and manifestations of developmental arrest concurrently. This includes working with patients with symptoms of bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, binge eating disorder, substance and/or behavioural addictions, insecure attachment, etc.
Yes. I am available as a support to family physicians practicing comprehensive care who feel they would benefit from having an experienced colleague to consult with regarding the patients they are working with in the community.
I am also available to consult with family physicians who have a focused practice in psychotherapy who may be looking for support in reviewing cases as well.
Yes, as long as you are a nurse practitioner licensed and practicing in Alberta with a valid PRAC-ID, we are able to meet to discuss the care of any mental health patients you may be providing psychotherapy to within either your general or focused practice.
It is required that you identify the patient(s) you would like to discuss in advance of our meeting.
You must also arrive prepared by completing the case consultation e-form linked HERE–this form helps us focus our conversation and provides me with pertinent patient information which I can review in advance of our meeting and reference as needed to guide our discussion as well.
It is expected that consultees will commit to their scheduled time and provide advance notice (48 hrs) in the case of any unexpected need for cancellation. An open, curious, and engaged attitude is also expected in order to facilitate an effective dialogue. If a pattern of late cancellation/missed attendance emerges, a fee may apply.
Yes, absolutely. You can book ahead on the website using the virtual calendar. This is recommended to help provide longitudinal support to you as a clinician in the community as well as to provide continuity between our consultation sessions and the treatment arc between you and your patients.
It is recommended that you book monthly consultation sessions to review your treatment progress and any challenges you may encounter in the therapy.
Yes. Depending on the nature of what needs to be discussed, the number of patients you want to review and the depth of material you want to talk about, this may be necessary and can be addressed by requesting this upfront at the time of booking the meeting in the virtual calendar. If you’d like to talk about more than 1 patient then a longer meeting time can be mutually agreed upon.
Yes, if you are a physician located outside of Alberta we can meet. Please select a meeting time in the virtual calendar and indicate your out-of-province status. I will followup with you to discuss rates for case consultation meetings as this won’t be covered by AHCIP with non-Albertan physicians and payment will be required upfront at the time of confirming the booking in order to proceed with our meeting. This also applies to nurse practitioners located outside of Alberta.