Read below to see the latest offerings.
Interested in enhancing your ability to create case formulations when conducting mental health assessments within your community practice? Eager to feel more confident in making sense of confusing or unfamiliar territory within patient encounters when providing mental health care? Not sure where to start? Consider attending this free, live webinar where these questions will be addressed.
By the end of this webinar you will learn the following:
Have you ever felt overwhelmed, confused, or unsettled by a patient interaction? Or maybe there’s that certain patient that you dread seeing pop up in your schedule? Someone you aren’t sure what to do with other than pull your hair out? Consider attending this free, live webinar where these common scenarios will be explored.
By the end of this webinar you will learn the following:
Feeling frustrated or burnt out with your patients living with addiction? Boggled by the seeming contradiction between their words and actions? Or perhaps feeling at a loss and remiss that you wish you could do something more to help them out of their misery? Consider attending this free, live webinar where these questions will be addressed.
By the end of this webinar you will learn the following:
Do some people or situations just rub you the wrong way? Seem to find yourself in recurring dissatisfying patterns with people or patients in your life? Ever had to deal with a difficult patient or colleague who seemed impossible to get through to? If you’d like to learn an introduction to psychological defenses as a way to help better understand the role that yourself and others can play during times of strained relating, consider attending this free, live webinar where all of the questions above will be explored.
By the end of this webinar you will learn the following: